Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The First Miracle at Cana, Thursday, May 17

For our last stop, we journeyed to Cana, the place of Jesus's first miracle.

The Wedding Church. Here is a beautiful meditation, The Joy of Cana by Caryll Houselander

The marriage at Cana is a showing of the joy that Christ brought into the world. Here, at his Mother's request, our Lord worked his first public miracle. It is a delight to think that this first miracle was in no way connected with unhappiness It was not healing sickness, forgiving sins, or raising the dead; it was simply giving joy, more joy, to people who were already rejoicing. . .
It is true that a change of heart is the only thing that can begin to bring happiness back into the world. It is true too that it is not in our own power or strength to change our own hearts, and what is needed is a miracle.
First of all what must this change really be like? It must be an absolute change, a change like that which happens to a piece of grey cloth dipped into a crimson dye, and dyed all through. The symbol of the wind at Cana is apt: wine restores vigor to an exhausted man, warms him all through, brings color back to his face, gives him courage, softens his heart, takes away his sense of insufficiency, and sets hi free.
The joy of God is a wine that changes the drab, cold, colorless substance of human nature into the rich, crimson, warm vitality of supernatural life. I changes discouragement to hope, doubt to faith...
How can such a change of heart happen? Only be a miracle it is true, and who can work such a miracle but Christ? When a a comes to this world with Christ in his hear, he too can work this miracle in Christ's name. 

These are the size of the jars containing the water that Jesus turned into wine.

ValLimar as the Linen Lady. Mary tells the head waiter and all of us, "Do whatever He tells you."

We all have the opportunity to receive a blessing. Here a group of our pilgrims are blessed, while the rest of us pray over them. During the blessing for married people. Father Michael mentions the importance of courage and strength. I have a rubber bracelet with these two words on it!

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