Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Parting Thoughts About Praha

Prague--love how they spell/pronounce it, Praha--really seems to have it together. A European capital in lovely natural setting

With historical, well-maintained, beautiful buildings integrated with capitalism.

Low crime rate, reasonable cost of living, free university education for citizens.

I was only there a few days, hardly long enough to get a complete feel for the place. But I sensed a kind of gentle melancholy about the city.

Maybe it's part of their national personality. Maybe it's a part of their World War II experience. The reason Prague was so untouched during the war is because parts of their country were given away under the Munich Agreement and thanks to threats from Hitler--Prague is so beautiful. It would be a shame if the Lufwaffe had to destroy it--the president conceded the rest to Germany.

There was a Czech government in exile and a resistance, whose greatest success was assassinating Reinhard Heydrich, an architect of the Holocaust and ruler of the former Czechoslovakia during the war. But the Czech's didn't pay the price the Poland and other countries did.

Them there were their decades under the Iron Curtain. They too came through this unscathed with the Velvet Revolution led by

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