Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Saga of the Missing Luggage

I arrived at the Prague airport and got through the extensive Israeli security check, with an interview. (What religious community do you belong to?) The guy above in yellow standing outside the plane I will soon board, was the one who interviewed me.

Look! There is my suitcase being loaded onto my El Al plane, which will take me on a three hour, nonstop flight from Prague to Tel Aviv. How falsely comforting!

I love taking photos from the plane. Here are the lovely fields of the Czech Republic.

These clouds make me think of Zeus.

Not sure what mountains these are. 

But they are beautiful.

Israel above and below

I made it and stand in the passport line for about 15 minutes.

The luggage carousel is only about 100 feet from passport control. But this is what I find when I walk there: no suitcases or people.

I double check that I am at the right carousel. Yep. I mill around for about a half hour checking other carousels before I give up and go to the lost and found.

Where they have me fill out some paperwork and give me the above toiletries bag, complete with pajamas! There are stacks of these bags behind the TEN lost and found windows, making me suspicious that lost luggage is a common occurrence at the Tel Aviv airport. I spend the next 24 hours wondering if my luggage will turn up and how many clothes, etc. to buy in Tel Aviv if it doesn't. The next evening, I call the airline and a recording tells me my luggage has been located. I hope this is accurate and will try to claim it the next morning when I meet my tour group back at the airport.

In the meantime, people in the United States have been praying to St. Anthony on behalf of my missing luggage. Thank you to them and St. Anthony! I have him on speed dial.

It works! I hunt down an airline rep, she takes me into the bowels of the airport to the most beautiful sight! Not sure where it went, but very glad to have it back!

One last glimpse of the Tel Aviv Airport and the mylar balloons that have escaped to the ceiling. 

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